Two questions about....?

Hi Y'all,

I have two questions. First, how difference does custom speaker cables make as compared to using good heavy guage copper wire?
Second, d how much difference do custom power cords make? Or do they?
I know there are strong opinions about his, but I am wondering if my money would be better spent on equipment and customize cables later, if necessary.

Joe in Mobile
Get the best gear you can afford that suits your financial comfort level.

You can gradually change your cables overtime to see how much difference they make in improving your gear.

Let the pummeling of my opinion begin...
Post removed 
Yep, cables are like 5% of the sound. Focus on the system components first, and then upgrade your cables over time as you find good deals. Or never, if you're happy with the sound of your system as it is.

IMO, people who hear vast differences between cables hear those differences because their system is not well grounded. As they change interconnects, they are changing the ground potential between system components. So save yourself a ton of money, properly ground your system, buy decent, but not expensive cables, and enjoy the music.
