Two "Different" Rectifier Tubes in Pair OK???

I bought two different tubes from two different sources. Both claim they were Ken Rad 5U4G - and they are. However, internally,they're different. Will this be an issue???? I guess I can just try it and hear for myself but, didn't know if there's be any harmful consequences:

Would pix of the internal structure or Date codes be useful to anyone?

If you play one amp through one speaker in order to hear how one rectifier tube in one amp sounds, and then switch to the differently constructed rectifier tube in this single amp, you will probably hear a subtle difference.
Or, just relax, and play your system, which will sound glorious with those amps.
I must inform you that if you choose to simply enjoy the beautiful sound of your system with "mis-matched" rectifier tubes, then your membership in the audiophilia nervosa club is cancelled :>)
To clarify earlier posting,
both channels sound the same in the Cary SLA-70Sig amp, since each rectifier tube affects both channels. There is no right or left allocation with this dual rectifier tube design.