Tyler Acoustics Linbrook/Super Mini Monitors

I'm a huge fan of ty's products and of ty himself. In fact, I've even visited his owensboro facility (last year). I have a pair of linbrook monitors from ty as well as 1)a custom home theatre setup based on 3 linbrooks (2 semi-mounted into the wall) and 2 taylo's (both partially-mounted in the wall); 2)2 pairs of custom mini-monitors for my kitchen and bedroom (I think these were the proto-types for his linbrook super-mini's). The linbrooks are a wonderful speaker: deep, rich bass, clear, detailed highs with no evidence of sibilance, and full mid's. the soundstaging is excellent and the quality is terrific. Of course, I wouldn't have a houseful of this stuff if I didn't think that! I've listened to lots of speakers, and not only is ty's product a terrific value, but it outperforms everything I've heard at up to 3x the price. I have the monitors set up in my den: 9x12, on ty's superb stands, using an audio refinement complete alpha integrated. My sources are (1) a bolder (highly) modded squeezebox 2, and (2)vintage thorens td125 mkII turntable through an aes/cary ph-1 phono stage. The speakers do well with all kinds of music (one of my pre-requisites, as I listen to just about everything): clear and present enough for all types of acoustic jazz, punchy enough for rock, delicate enough for intimate chamber recordings, and robust enough for full orchestral settings. In my home theater setup, they are powered by an arcam avr300, and perform wonderfully. The little mini-monitors have super sound for their size and ty even manages to squeeze out pretty creditable bass performance from these boxes. His ported designs do not sound boomy or diffused - I listen to a fair amount of acoustic jazz bass, and it's spot on. As importantly, you'll be working with one of the real class acts in this business. My home theatre setup was a total custom/from scratch design by ty, and he was wonderful to work with - great ideas, great listener, great execution. Pictures available on request!
GO FIGURE Zero Tyler's on the used market. All buyers keep their speakers. . I guess no one is figuring that out. IOW the # of used speakers on the used market let you know how well to how c**py they are. Tyler is the only lab with zero, which tells me it is the best. Now how many here would figure that out? See i like to use my head. btw Sallie's "I slightly prefer the Spendor" sounds so much like absolute sounds's games they play ,seems clearly to me playing the pied piper to Spendor to get spendor to ad with AS. btw plenty os spendors on the uded market.
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Bartokfan: I haven't gotten to Absolute Sound yet. I guess that review is not available online (usually you get that sort of stuff at manufacturer's website). Anyway, which Spendor model does Sally prefer to Tyler Linbrook System 2?
She mentions the Spendor "S8e" whatever those #'s letters are suppose to mean is anyones guess. I looked at a photo of that speaker, not at all impressed. I've heard "that" speaker before somewhere in my 30 yrs of past critquing speakers. seems AS must keep those advertisers happy. Make note, you'll never see Tyler spending a dime on das in audio mags. Doesn't need to. The product sells itself. Just look at the # of used Tyler's on the audiogon market? Zero. Every blue moon one will pop up. And when one does, its sold in less than 5 days. And look at all other labs, dozens. draw your own conclusions.
Sally doesn't say outright she prefers the spendor, says "what then keeps this 43600 speaker from quite the overall level of performance the spendor S8 achieves? The answer lies in the slightly compromised lower middlerange and midbass. these to my ears do not quite match that magical resolution of the upper mids treble." ....would you like if I take this line in context of what she wrote earlier? Should I micro her words so as to show its flimsy nature in light of what she wrote elsewhere in the review?
I don't think Ty would wish I did. He's happy that AS even considered a review since Ty is not an advertiser. I'm not going to knock spendor, if they float your boat, happy sailing. I'm a Seas' man, was love at first sight.