Tyler Acoustics Linbrook/Super Mini Monitors

I'm a huge fan of ty's products and of ty himself. In fact, I've even visited his owensboro facility (last year). I have a pair of linbrook monitors from ty as well as 1)a custom home theatre setup based on 3 linbrooks (2 semi-mounted into the wall) and 2 taylo's (both partially-mounted in the wall); 2)2 pairs of custom mini-monitors for my kitchen and bedroom (I think these were the proto-types for his linbrook super-mini's). The linbrooks are a wonderful speaker: deep, rich bass, clear, detailed highs with no evidence of sibilance, and full mid's. the soundstaging is excellent and the quality is terrific. Of course, I wouldn't have a houseful of this stuff if I didn't think that! I've listened to lots of speakers, and not only is ty's product a terrific value, but it outperforms everything I've heard at up to 3x the price. I have the monitors set up in my den: 9x12, on ty's superb stands, using an audio refinement complete alpha integrated. My sources are (1) a bolder (highly) modded squeezebox 2, and (2)vintage thorens td125 mkII turntable through an aes/cary ph-1 phono stage. The speakers do well with all kinds of music (one of my pre-requisites, as I listen to just about everything): clear and present enough for all types of acoustic jazz, punchy enough for rock, delicate enough for intimate chamber recordings, and robust enough for full orchestral settings. In my home theater setup, they are powered by an arcam avr300, and perform wonderfully. The little mini-monitors have super sound for their size and ty even manages to squeeze out pretty creditable bass performance from these boxes. His ported designs do not sound boomy or diffused - I listen to a fair amount of acoustic jazz bass, and it's spot on. As importantly, you'll be working with one of the real class acts in this business. My home theatre setup was a total custom/from scratch design by ty, and he was wonderful to work with - great ideas, great listener, great execution. Pictures available on request!
Aktchi "maddening" hehe...yes it has been difficult for this 50 yr old brain to keep all the Sigs, Systems, ONE, TWO's all in proper order, and making sure everyone is on the same apge. But as you point out there is no lab that offers the extent of moels as does Ty, At the top of his line you've got those MONSTROUS Towers with a 10 inch at the top and one at the bottom of the cabinet!!! + A few other Towers to boot. Then the baby of the seas' family ty has that newest mini monitor with the 5 inch midwoofer/tweeter. And everything in between. Come one come all. No other lab worldwide comes even close. Thus in someways you can say Tyler ofers the world's best speaker line, not only models but also as I consider the seas the finest deriver in the world. Just my opinion "of course".
But as you say names do not matter its the end redsult we are all after, : Does it deliver? Is the question. According to Sallie , yes indeed the Systems 2 does. If it a good idea that Ty renames his models, all for the sake of convience? I guess not really , what we need to do is make sure we are on the same page on what model we are talking. So I suggest write down all his models on a reference card and make short notes. Exaplme, Taylo7U=MTM T (T= tower) Taylo REFERENCE 3's = W26/W18/T25 ( a model no one talks about) Linbrook Systems 2 = W22/W18/T25 Linbrook SIGNATURE SYSTEM = MTM/Bass Module.
Sure it will take alittle work from us, but after a month, you'll have the models locked into memory.
btw there are a few issues i have with Sallie's review. For some odd reason she brings up another speaker as reference. But says its possibly her first choice over the SYS2. seems to me its a bit disingenuious to make these accurate comments on the Tyler's which after reading you could translate "it just don't get much better than this", yet she prefers the "other reference speaker" I just don't get it. Which is why I avoid these "audio reviews".
There si an article in the Absolute Sound, "Can an audio system sound real?" Which I will not read, as I know the answer already and know of a sytem that will deliver the goods. Mine at present does just fine. I'm comparing my setup to the dozens of speakers/systems I've heard over the past 30 yrs.
The System2 vs Thor will have to wait, I expect the System 2 to come out as my fav especially for classical music, but all other genres as well. The System 2 seems to be the ideal speaker, each driver is doing what it is suppose to do.
Make it a point to stop off and pick up a copy of Absolute Sound, go ahead its only $8, so we are all on the same page.
That review should put to rest any objections that the Tyler/Seas is something to be heard.
GO FIGURE Zero Tyler's on the used market. All buyers keep their speakers. . I guess no one is figuring that out. IOW the # of used speakers on the used market let you know how well to how c**py they are. Tyler is the only lab with zero, which tells me it is the best. Now how many here would figure that out? See i like to use my head. btw Sallie's "I slightly prefer the Spendor" sounds so much like absolute sounds's games they play ,seems clearly to me playing the pied piper to Spendor to get spendor to ad with AS. btw plenty os spendors on the uded market.
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Bartokfan: I haven't gotten to Absolute Sound yet. I guess that review is not available online (usually you get that sort of stuff at manufacturer's website). Anyway, which Spendor model does Sally prefer to Tyler Linbrook System 2?