Tyler Acoustics my experience

i have recently purchased the Tyler Acoustics PD80s, and would like to share my experience with Ty and his speakers.
I have been searching for a certain sound and have spent over $25,000.00 for speakers and as low as $2,500.00 and everything in between. Ty and I spoke at length and he was always available, extremely dedicated to his craft. Finally after setting the speakers up and putting power to them, I was in awe, a wall of pure slammimg sound. Hope this info helps someone.
I am thinking 5000 for the LR amp maybe 1000 more if I go monos. Sorry for hijacking the thread but I posted in some other Tyler threads vut I think they are dead. Thanks I will look into the Coda, Bat and older Krell and see what I can find.
Use Rogue Cronus Magnum or Plinius 8200 MK2 with my Decade 3's , have also used the 8200 with Linbrook System2s and Taylo 7Us, and my Ayon Spirit 2 with the System 2s and Decade 3s

To my ears all have been a good match musically and ability to drive the speakers
06-30-11: Jfondell
For those of you who actually have Tylers speakers what Amp's are you using?
I use a Tempest II Magnum with my 7Us.

I have the Woodmeres and I use Pass Amps and a Rowland Pre-Amp. I have also used Bel Canto with them. They have worked well with both of these amps. Stephen