Ugliest speaker ever?

I've been following the thread seeking nominations for the "coolest speaker ever", and I can think of a few speakers that merit such a distinction. While we're at it, however, let's list some of the ugliest speakers ever designed. I can think of a few recent ones, such as the Avantgarde horn speakers (Uno, Duo, etc.), and the Calix Technology Phoenix Signature (see page 58 of the May issue of Stereophile for a photo). Other nominees?
Vandersteens sound pretty good but are butt ugly...whatz up with the turd brown grill cloth? Maggies are a bit funky looking too...then again...cosmetics are an after thought...most ugly gear does perform almost has to...why else buy it?
Those Acapellas are a fashion statement alright... I think they and the AvantGardes are both extreme examples of "like or hate it" as I know folks on both camps. (And this is a contest of looks, not sonics, right?)