Ugliest Speakers???

I'm sure most of us would never select a speaker solely on appearance but after sonics it probably would be a criteria, as well as size, weight, color etc.
Looking through the November Stereophile I noticed a new speaker on page 21, the Loiminchay. I'm not sure I could live with this one. It may sound great, I don't know but the appearance of the speaker could never cut it for me, definitely not my style.
What's your take on this one? Any other candidates?
Also, Tbone, you are right about "taste". Cain and Cain speakers are Very popular in here, but I think they look awful.
I think there are a few speakers, as well as components, whose superb performance transcends their ugly appearance.
Absolutely no apologies needed joeylawn. Note I was the one pointing out the other ways people have ragged on them... and given how many different times and ways they have showed up in "ugly speaker threads", not much one can do about it :^)

And in any case, if other people really don't like them that much, they don't have to listen to music in my living room and can stay in the front hall instead :^)
Popluhv wrote:
I was there, and Steve wouldn't have known about them if I hadn't arranged the event and taken him there. Yeah, they're kind of an acquired taste :-) They were driving them to very loud levels in their factory with an 11 W/ch Cary 300B amp. Haven't seen the guys in several years. Very nice fellows, building them on the side.
The first time I saw Cain & Cain's at an S'hile show, I spent all of 1.5 minutes in the room because of the looks. The driver section reminds me of the end result when someone gets punched in the eye...UGH!