For me: the Harmonic Precision, Caravelles. I AB'd them against the Jmlab Micro Be, and the Diva as well. (the Diva AB was after I already purchased the Caravelles, but I justed wanted to hear them. The Caravelles, believe it or not, held up remarkably well to the Altos. Now, that's a $20k speaker. go figure) You can read my review. Enjoyed them more than the Jmlabs. is doing a review on the Caravelles next month, or maybe February. Srajan heard them at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and was blown out. You can read comments about the Caravelles on their website. I've been raving (I realize now, adnauseam) about the Caravelles for almost a year, now. I've heard oodles, and these speakers will go tete a tete with many of the big boys. I love them. Try to get yourself a pair before they do the review. You'll be waiting a long time otherwise. I know (from my experience with the Caravelles) how this review is going to read. peace, warren