Under speakers Vibrapod or Gaïa

Does anyone compare Gaïa and Vibrapod under speaker ?  With Vibrapod,  for the $, I have great result under my speakers, but, does it worth the extra $$$ interchanging with Gaïa ?
ebm5 ,  Yes surely better life span than, a round rubber circle, (mentionned by rodman99999) due to Gaïa very well construction and engineering, it would be last much more longer.  Thank you both of you.

@audiosens-  About three months, far as when I moved my first component and noticed the issue.   The collapses could have actually started in the first three minutes/hours/days/weeks.  They're cheap, but- that's still not much value.     
I suspect the cable company will refund your purchase if you don't think the isoacoustics are worth money. Probably worth a try, I know I really like mine.