Under speakers Vibrapod or Gaïa

Does anyone compare Gaïa and Vibrapod under speaker ?  With Vibrapod,  for the $, I have great result under my speakers, but, does it worth the extra $$$ interchanging with Gaïa ?
I use Vibrapods under my Klipsch Heresy IIIs and, perhaps since they're the proper "weight handling" versions, they work great. 
wolf_garcia ,  Thank's;  I was thinking to place a wood board under the existing vibrapods and add four other Vibrapod under the wood board.  So it will be twice decouple ?  Would it be better ?
Audiosens...maybe, as the main point for me anyway is to keep the speakers's vibration out of the floor which can act as a passive transducer of sorts...there's a simple test I demonstrate to my friends who pretend to be paying attention...play something bass heavy and touch the speaker box near the floor...feel that? Now touch the floor near the speaker...no vibes...now get me a beer...wait...forget that last part...for now.

wolf_garcia , I have already Vibrapod and they made my speakkers much better sounding like music... nothing to compare with Spikes on my flooting floor... so I will check for the Vibrapod and give them a try ;)  Thank you