Universal Players vs. Dedicated CD/SACD Players

Greetings all. I'm curious what other's experiences are listening to Universal Players vs. "dedicated" cd/sacd players. I have an Oppo BDP95 based on the reviews and convenience of the "one-box" solution. However, I've been wondering if I'm missing some audio performance this way. I'm more into sound than video BTW. I have an audiophile friend who says he doesn't like audio and video in the same box. I've entertained thoughts of purchasing a dedicated audio cd/sacd player. Your input is appreciated.


Thanks! for sharing- tony.

I still want a BDP-09. I know it is a little dated and Pioneer no longer supports/services these spinners. There has not been a firmware update in years. IMO, all of that crap was a ploy by the movie studios and the blu-ray format.

The Cipher involves me in the music like when I heard my first BSO performance of HOLST's The Planets!  I was but a teenager and sat 5th row center...it was grippingly beautiful and utterly mesmerizing.  So alive and dynamic and organic with accurate tone and extreme extension and air!!  

Incredibly, there was a Pioneer Elite BDP 09 on C***list in my area for months, at $500. The seller offered to sell it to me for $450, but it still took another month to sell it. Whoever bought it got a genuine bargain. It wasn't me since I already have one (and an Oppo 105D), but I was tempted at the ridiculous price. I paid $1100 a few years ago and thought it was a bargain then.
Very nice -tonykay.

I still want a BDP-09, so, if you spot one feel free to contact me anytime.
Happy Listening!