Incredibly, there was a Pioneer Elite BDP 09 on C***list in my area for months, at $500. The seller offered to sell it to me for $450, but it still took another month to sell it. Whoever bought it got a genuine bargain. It wasn't me since I already have one (and an Oppo 105D), but I was tempted at the ridiculous price. I paid $1100 a few years ago and thought it was a bargain then.
Incredibly, there was a Pioneer Elite BDP 09 on C***list in my area for months, at $500. The seller offered to sell it to me for $450, but it still took another month to sell it. Whoever bought it got a genuine bargain. It wasn't me since I already have one (and an Oppo 105D), but I was tempted at the ridiculous price. I paid $1100 a few years ago and thought it was a bargain then.