Unsatisfied with Esoteric K-01: Alternatives?

I lived many blissful years with my Reimyo CDP-777, but finally decided it was time to start the transition to PC audio. I opted for the Esoteric K01 in order to have the maximum playback flexibility with CD, SACD, and asynchronous USB DAC. Fast-forward about 6 months and I find myself really missing the warmth, tonal richness, and musicality of the Reimyo when listening to to the rather cold, dry, and neutral K01. It is not a bad player by any means, but I've just come to realize that I'm a musicality guy as opposed to an analytical guy.

Now I'm in a bit of a quandary in regards to how to maintain that flexibility with something more to my taste. Are there any CD/SACD/asynch USB players (or combos) that lean more to the Reimyo's sense of musicality? Harmonix's current line still doesn't do USB input, or decode any thing but PCM up to 44.1. I'm starting to to think my only option is to buy the Harmonix for CD playback and then have a completely separate system for SACD/PC audio playback, but I would love to avoid that if at all possible. Any suggestions are welcome.
For an all-in one option, you may wish to audition the Audio Aero La Source. Was compared side by side with Zanden DAC and it did very well. the Audio Aero was used in both cases as transport...ie, Audio Aero La Source on its own, or BNC out to the Zanden DAC.
With any player it's going to GREATLY depend on the rest of gear in your system and still in the end come down to your personal flavor.

IC's alone make a difference along with PC's and what you place it upon but then again this happens to most pces if your system is resolving enough to show such.

It's tedious having to break-in each filter combo and you might want to give up but a must if you truly want to hear what this player has to offer. Just think of it you are buying different units.

It's a reference one pce player for sure, the fit and finish is top and very quiet.

Best of luck, have fun!
Hi No1willfan, I operated K-01 in a balanced configuration. Did you operate K-01 in balanced or single ended mode? It might make a difference. I would like to have also your observations about K-01 with the DSD engine.... Oddly enough, that was my least favorite: I found it to be a little over the top.... yes very transparent, lots of detail, but also with the slighted burr in the treble, and with a tendency to overemphatic transients.... It prevented me from immersing myself into the musical message, while I could spend hours vanishing into the music with SDly-2 and 4X upsampling.

I had the opportunity of listening to K-01 controlled by an Esoteric G-0S clock at RMAF for several hours, and I found the sound enhanced much further, and even more musically satisfying... But I never had G-0S in my own system.

One thing I found with Esoteric players (K-01 and X-01), is that they are very sensitive to cabling, power cords, and conditioning. I had the most musically satisfying results with Shunyata ICs and PCs, as well as with the Shunyata Triton conditioner or the IsoTec Sigmas conditioners... But this could just be in the nature of digital front ends, rather than a characteristics specific to Esoteric alone.

Saluti, Guido