Up to date list of GaN Class D Amplifiers?

I’ve not heard one yet, but looking forward to seeing how this develops.

Does anyone have a list of Amplifiers currently on the market using this Gallium Nitride (GaN) semi conductor?

Anyone heard one?
Is it really a game changer?
Is GaN likely to reach the mass market?

Anyone heard one?

Is it really a game changer?

Is GaN likely to reach the mass market?

Not yet

I believe so, when you read what listeners thought especially the Technics SE-R1 which utilizes the faster 1.5mHz switching speed and higher filter available to GaN users, instead of Mosfet with 3 x lower switching speed and filter to get rid of it. https://ibb.co/vkSGqbV

Eventually it will, but it will always be headed by the smaller boutique manufacturers, and be expensive at first, as they don’t have $$$$$$$$$K tied up in the tooling of the older technology, like the big boys have. Once they get onto to it the prices will crash back down.

Cheers George

There are several coming out ,but the prices are just nuts,the GAN circuits are not that expense to command say from $10 k to $20 k+ 
markup as I have stated many times being involved with R&D  ,my uncle being a Audio engineer, and markup is at least 4x or more which the parts cost.
when . Just like when new computer technologies come out it is way over priced 
give it a few years much  more reasonable . Let’s see in 3-4 years.

You would think the 4X is an easy formula to go by.  That does not include the chassis, box, manual, going to shows, advertising.  If I went by the 4X rule, I would not make a penny in what I do.

Happy Listening.