Upgrade B&W CM4 to what?

I’ve got a pair of B&W CM4 that I want to upgrade. It’s a modest system (Yamaha cx-630 pre and Adcom 5400). I love the combo of the Yammy and Adcom. I tried the Adcom gfp-565 and it was too warm. There are a few design considerations.
1. I have slight hearing loss in the mid frequencies.
2. I have a small room 11 x 23. Speakers are 9 ft from my ear so they don’t need to get loud.
3. I don’t want to spend a lot of money (less than $1200)

I don’t have a lot of experience with other speakers but I used to love the Vandersteen 2Ce but found the mid frequencies lacking. I do love the B&Ws and I think they are a good match for me. The reason I want to upgrade is I’m looking for a fuller sound. I’d love to get the B&w 702 or 800s but finding something reasonable from the last 20-30 years is hard. Is there another line of speaker I should consider?

I listen to mainly rock, classic and 90s, but also enjoy jazz.

btw, I also own B&w 606 with a Cambridge cx-61 for my living room (bigger space) and I love that. It just doesn’t work in the other room.




Showing 2 responses by doogabayne

I have a Yamaha sub in the mix also but I’m very fickle in using it. Sometimes it works for what I’m listening to and sometimes it doesn’t. The room is very sensitive to speaker placement. If a switch the wall that the speaker is aligned to, it sounds like the music is coming out of a little box. Placing it along the long wall (18” from wall) totally changes the sound. This is where I have it. The lightest toe in or changing listening position changes the sound.  Based on what I am gathering from comments is that the thing I should do first is master the acoustics of the room using what I have and then upgrade. Right?