Upgrade from my Modwright KWA 100SE

I am considering a KWA 150 SE, but not sure how significant a jump up it is from my current amp. Any experiences shared are appreciated or alternate upgrade paths. My speakers are my own Open baffle design (Satori MW16P and TW29) with a GR research H frame subs with AQ370 Amps. preamp is LS100. Thanks.
the KWA 150 is a bipolar design the kwa 100 is mosfet, totally different topology
Weird that the description sounds the same and no mention of bipolars.  MOSFET ‘s are usually associated with that Tubelike Sound mentioned ‘
@jimbones nice! The Wells amps are indeed impressive. People that choose without giving them a shot are missing out. My Innamorata Signature is completely free of any solid state artifacts. Lovely amplifier. 
I am VERY happy with my Wells. Although the amp has gotten good reviews it still flies under the radar. I prefer it to Pass as it has character. If you are looking for bold this is the amp. I find many higher end amps to be uninvolving. This amps sucks you right in to the music and wont let you go!