Upgrade from Spendor SP 1/2, what's next?

I currently have a pair of original SP 1/2's and am upgrading from a Cayin TA-30 to a Cayin a88t to drive them. Listen mostly to classical and jazz vocals and love the sweet mellow warm sound. I'm considering trying a new speaker and was thinking of going to a floor stander. What Spendor floor standing speaker (or other maker) would you recommend? The room is 20' x 14' with 10' ceiling, wood floors, minimal furniture.
My room is about the same size,I have owned many spendors including floor standing,S8e's,S6e's,etc.I like the S3/5R's better than any floor standing speaker in my room,remember small room small speaker.
Can you tell us your budget? I have some thoughts but would need to know how much you want to spend.
I owned both the Spendor S8e and S5e before settling on the SP1/2E.

Over on Audio Asylum I posted a review that compares the SP1/2E side-by-side with the S8e. While both are very good speakers, the 1/2 was my choice. (You'll find it in the Review section under Speakers/Spendor.)

Since I posted the review a year ago, I've found nothing to change. I've thought here and there about adding a subwoofer but for the bulk of music I play even that is a pretty low priority.

What change or improvement are you looking for?
I've owned various models of the Spendor Classic Series, including the 1/2e which is a fabulous speaker. It was replaced in my system by the Audiokinesis Jazz Modules which are floor standers. I think these would more than meet your needs sonically, but without knowing your budget can't say if they are in your price range.

If you are willing to wait it out and want to stay in the Spendor family, I would keep my eye out for a pair of 9/1 floor standers.
Thanks for the responses so far. I would peg budget at no more that $5k and I'm a big believer in buying used (which is the best part of audiophile disease--let someone else take the first hit on the depreciation, hehe).

Like I said, I do love the Spendors so it's gonna take something spectacular to impress me. The Spendors were rather difficult to place in the room, however. I think the 9/1s might be too big.