Upgrade from Spendor SP 1/2, what's next?

I currently have a pair of original SP 1/2's and am upgrading from a Cayin TA-30 to a Cayin a88t to drive them. Listen mostly to classical and jazz vocals and love the sweet mellow warm sound. I'm considering trying a new speaker and was thinking of going to a floor stander. What Spendor floor standing speaker (or other maker) would you recommend? The room is 20' x 14' with 10' ceiling, wood floors, minimal furniture.
Thanks for all the excellent advice that I have come to know from A'gon.

These SP 1/2's are originals too (not E, not R, etc.). I bought them used in 1999. I had first heard Spendors about 10 years prior to that (no idea what model they were, but I think they were a sealed model).

I'm excited to see what the new amp (Cayin a88t) will do for them with the upped wattage (over the Cayin TA-30).

Will keep you posted.
For the spendors to come alive, a good s/s amp is more recommended that the Cayin amp. I have friends with Cayin amp on spendors, while the midrange is ok, the dynamics and details kinda suffers a lot.
Suggest you consider a good 100-150w s/s amp for the Spendors. To begin with, they have a smooth sound to them so tubes can be omitted. YMMV
I have owned the Spendor SP1/2e and loved them. Used a Pass x250 amp and also a Rogue Stereo 90. The had the midrange magic, excelent top end and tight bass. But they couldnt handle low octives. If you get a subwoofer with a crosover that might work. I wouldnt and didnt do it. After many speaker auditions I bought a pr of used Revel F52's They wond have the depth of midrange (Could be my cabling) but they are oustanding in every other way. Top to bottom, imaging, bass response is awsome my tuned room is 11 x16 with an opening in back to another room
I've had the SP1/2e for 10 years and run them with many amps. They always deliver musicality. Had the with Naim 135, 72 and loved it........until I used an old Scott 299 while the Naim gear was in the shop. At this point, I use the Spendors with Radio Craftsmen c500a. It is amazing how loud 10 wpc is on the Spendors! The nicest thing about these is that you will love them with whatever amp you have now as they are not a demanding load, but if you ever buy something better, the Spendors will deliver.
Neither are floor standers, but your obvious progression is Harbeth next, then to Audio Note.