Having ben a high end dealer and set up many turntables - Linn, Pink triangle, Roksan, Sota, Oracle, SP10's, Mapleknoll ( Walker ) etc yrs ago my conclusions are as follows ; go back to first principles - the stylus, arm, platter AND motor drive MUST be absolutely rigid and referenced to each other to obtain ultimate pitch stability. I have found that most suspended tables suffer considerable wow. Similarly if you consider the first princiles I espoused - air bearings are out, not rigid, that rules out the Walker, Da Vinci & Air bearing micro seiki's. You need to consider the bearings - the Raven has a teflon thrustpad as do many high end decks, thats like playing your record on a spongy pudding - the platter and cartridge coupling are not rigid. I currently run a Final Audio Parthenon - high mass, copper platter, all chassis components made of composite gunmetal, totally rigid and massive ac motor with a power supply that includes power regenerator for accurate voltage and hz etc. This designed in the 70's ( Absolute Sound ultimately wrote it off as they mounted it on an air bed - completely against the designers philosophy ). It is mounted on a custom stand with true mechanical grounding ala Goldmund. The only turntable I lust after is the Verdier - with ball installed in the bearing so it is grounded - but dial the air pressure so that the grounded bearing only sees 4-5 lb ala the Continuum. Tonearm recommendations - no air bearings again not rigid - I use Naim Aro as the unipivot has true single point grounding and is rigid given correct arm/cartridge matching. Cartridge recommendation - currently use an Ikeda - no cantilever slewing around creating time distortion, diamond mounted n a hoop - so speed of a Decca without the hassles. Direct drives - have 2 friends with SP10 MkIII's in custom plinths - I'm not convinced - the sound is chopped up ala digital - have reservations about direct drives with constant speed correction impacting stability. Non air bearing Micro Seiki's and Melco's are also on my list of resonable decks.