Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?

I have had the TW turntable (with 10" Da Vinci Grandezza arm and Grandezza cartridge) for two years. I have been happy with this TT and can live with it for a long time although i wish it wasn't as dark sounding, that the soundstage could be more spacious and the bass tighter. The upgrade bug in me is wondering for 50K ore thereabout, is there a TT that is superlative over the TW? One that would end my upgrading itch for the next 10 years?
"We will never see a lightweight TT nor an unsuspended one, with a platter less than 30-50 lbs coming anywhere near the point of closing the book on TT nor approaching its true frontiers.
As we all will see - as they will come and go in half years turn.
The same they have done so for the past 40+ years in high-end."
You misread my comments - my turntable is the Final Audio Parthenon - 25kg+ platter, massive bearing and composite gunmetal rigid plinth and armboards, along with massive motor using power regeneration and power amp for the motor. If you do a search on the net you will find that the top brinkmann's etc are still catching up to my turntable which was built in the 70's. Final used to "upgrade" the big micro's as well as build their own turntable. I dont like the SP10 mkiii just said it was the best dd I've heard. And yes I've had the air bearing tables, arms and moved on. I seem to be sensitive to speed stability, timing and compression - dont want a rose tinted front end with timing issues.
I am familiar with the Final audio products - and with the Parthenon.
As for "timing" and speed control. My table runs with the big Studer Capstan motor with regulation and Studer speed control. This was good enough for the majority of the music recorded from the 1960ies to late 1990ies. So the stability of the "timing" on most of your records was determined by this very motor drive and its control board. I always found this a most suitable solution.
Especially so as it makes all other TT-motors look like lightweight dwarfs.

As for air-bearings ... well, there are air-bearings out there quite different to the ones "usually" seen in high-end audio. Its all a matter of "thinking in different scales".
And - its not just you being "sensitive to speed stability". Everyone with a remote interest in piano music will gladly join in.
Dover, what are the specifics of the motor and speed control? Low or high torque? AC or DC?
Response to Aoliviero

Motor is AC, large ( weighs around 10kg in gunmetal case ), driven by what is described as an oscilater preamplifier, this has sine/cosine outputs, feeding a power amp of which the outputs go back into the preamp and out to the AC motor. The controller has separate infinite speed adj for 33/45 and has a torque control so you can adjust it.


What turntable/arm/cartridge are you using. Is it the one you built yrs ago and described in various threads ?
Dover, my tonarm/cartridge is silver-wired FR-66s/B-60 w/FR-7fc special. I am currently re-designing my initial TT from the 1990ies. It will be finished late this winter. I will post pictures and a description when finished.