I just shipped a pair of Vandys back east via a trade for a Parasound Amp. I don't miss them at all! In my case I think that they were to big for my room and placement was a critical issue. I used to own a couple pair of Logans and their placement was not as critical as the Vandys! I have heard the Hales Rev 3 and the Stratus Golds and they are both great sounding. The Stratus has a little smoother, inviting sound, but they were played through different amps and cd players, so it would not be an accurate account. That would be a hard choice, but having owned the Vandys I would say "don't even go there". I saw a pair of Stratus Golds last week on line for $750!!! Of course when I contacted the seller they were gone! Both speakers, Stratus and Hales, have had nothing but good reviews, so either one would probably be a good choice, especially with your Classe'!
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