Upgrade Linn LP 12 or buy new table

I would like to get back into vinyl after an approx. 17 year absence. I have a Linn LP 12 that I bought in 1983 which I used for 15 years and then put into storage. I never got rid of my vinyl. So my question is : Do I upgrade my LP 12 to the tune of three to four thousand dollars or do I spend the same amount on a new turntable and sell the LP 12?  Everyone's two cents worth would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks
Thanks for the advice.  I was wondering if anyone in the group has an opinion/experience with the SOTA line of turntables. They are made in the USA and appear to be a similar in design to the Linn.      

I agree with BRF/lewm to get it tuned up first and listen for a while. It's a nice table.

You might also want to consider the Kore subchassis upgrade right up front. That's about $1,200. Just did that on my 15 year old LP12 and the difference is extreme. It tightened the sound up, better detail, cleaner and more extended bass (no idea why/how the bass got more extended but it did.) Like a new table IMO.

I'm using an Akiva cart, the first generation of Ekos arm and first gen Lingo power supply.


Hal253, I have heard most of the SOTA's in their line. They are a good table and would be an excellent choice, IF you didn't already have a platform that is as great as it is. 
I think a top flite Linn Klimax SE can still out point all of the SOTA's. 
One plus for the SOTA line, they can accommodate a much wider variety of tonearm..but that would be my only point in their favor.
I did a Kore in 2015. Way good move. Everything was better, no trade offs. 

2016 is likely the year for a new cartridge. I have an Arkiv B. Long in the tooth. My first inclination was the Kandid and now I see there's a new cartridge, the Krystal, at less that 1/2 the Kandid's price. I'm not changing my tonearm (Ekos II). I have a very late type 1 lingo which means it's got the board that went into all the type 2 lingo units. 

I did a Kore in 2015. Way good move. Everything was better, no trade offs. 

2016 is likely the year for a new cartridge. I have an Arkiv B. Long in the tooth. My first inclination was the Kandid and now I see there's a new cartridge, the Krystal, at less that 1/2 the Kandid's price. I'm not changing my tonearm (Ekos II). I have a very late type 1 lingo which means it's got the board that went into all the type 2 lingo units.