Upgrade my Theta or move on?

Need advice on which seems smarter at this point.I currently own a casablanca 1(basic DACS)and am thinking of either upgrading to CAS 3 or looking at the anthem 30 or the EAD.Upgrade on the CAS is mighty steep!Would like to keep cost below 4K.Can upgrade to the 3 for 3K but to get the better DACS (extreme dacs) it's 3K more. Any idea's?I listen to 60% music,40%HT.Thanks
MY System
aragon amps-3002&3005
Mirage speakers(3si)fronts,Mccsi-center,OMR2-rears&BPSS210 Sub
Pioneer elite59 DVD
Cardas cables

Showing 4 responses by kman0911

Thanks Cytocycle.Boy i can't beleive you hit on two of my top choices.I love the new Meridan line,(heard the GO8 thur a CAS3)last night with superior DAC'S.Sounded SWEET!Listened to some arcam's as transports but was disappointed after hearing the Meridans.Any idea's for a transport not as much $ as the Meridan.Yes the Mirage's suck up that power!!!Liked the G98 for a DVD transport but also a little steep.Kevin
Didactically-Let me explain my amp set up.I had been using the 3002 with a acurus 200x3.I then got the 3005 and planned to set up my Casablanca in a 7.1 setup(300x7)Hope this makes sense.I mentioned both amps because i planned the upgrade.I must admit my lack of knowledge has kept me from posting on this forum for a long time.I could use your advice and hope to hear from you.
I did upgrade.Sent my unit to theta on 11/11.I DID EXTREMES in the fronts LRC/sub and moved my standards to the rears.Just got the unit back on 1/4/05 and all i can say is WOW!Sounds like i have a new system!Now looking for cables since i now need balanced for fronts.Any ideas?What fun using all these settings!-Kevin
Monible-Funny you should mention the dreadnaught,I just sold my Aragon 3005 and am ordering a Dread11,I am also going this week to a local dealer to audition the 3A Sigs along with one of their centers.I might spoil myself and listen to the 5A's.When are you getting the Vandy's?
Agaffer-I already upgraded to the CAS111 with EXTREMES.I agree with you that i should have used the $ for a good PRE.I guess you live and learn.It is a great unit for HT.