Upgrade on Neat sx2: Totem sig 1 or Harbeth 30.2 xd? Or?
Did anyone hear the Totem signature 1 and the Harbeth monitor 30.2 and give me a short indication whether they are comparible or not?
Atm im not yet able to hear them myself. Looking for an upgrade on the Neat sx2. i want bookshelf format.
They gonna be driven by a quad 606 mk1, itself driven by a quad 34.
I have an active crossover for an 80hz bypass and SVS sb1000 pro handles the lower scale, but who knows, the Totem or Harbeth can handle a bit more oomph than the Neats at a good bit of power and i might turn down the help from the sub to below new speaker spec output(the Neat couldnt and still cant even with the bypass.)
Im actually pretty happy with the Neat at lower volume, very versatile little speakers but I can do the upgrade financially so why not.
The budget is somewhere between 2 and 4k. Any other suggestions? Most deffinitly it will not be a Keff.
Music choice is anywhere from classic to electronic to jazz to disco to funk, rock, hardrock, etc. The quads are completly reserviced and will not be replaced, probably ever in my life. Im 53 years old. Hope to put a few more miles on myself and them. At the moment im most biased by the Totem signature 1 to be honest - I think they are better for dealing with modern music, rock, electronic at volume while Harbeth (the 30 monitor line) seems to excell at more detail but ill be happily corrected by those in the know. Thank you!