Go for a DVD. I had a Rotel 951 like yours. Now I am happy with a Pioneer DV 45A which cost me only $500, and I have seen it listed at $400 (but out of stock!). Consider that this unit not only plays your CD's, but also DVD-A and SACD (both) as well as DVD-V movies. To my ear, the media upgrade, particularly SACD, outweighs the benefit of esoteric capacitors in a straight CD player.
upgrade question...
Considering some new inexpensive digital to replace (and hopefully improve) existing digital source(Rotel 951 into a MSB LinkII). two options I'm leaning toward are 1. Music Hall 25 cd player (new) 2. used Rotel 991ae for about $600. Rest of system McCormack DNA 225, Rogue 99, PSB Stratus gold, Rega P25. Anyone possibly hear either of these in some sort of similar context? Thanks, Mike
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