Upgrade thoughts and reccomendations

I'm trying to decide where to upgrade next.
Thoughts are a new amp and speakers
What I would like is a sound that opens up the dynamics at a lower volume and where the speakers really disappear
I like the sound of my system - it does sound good - and often very good - but I live in a condo and when my daughter gets off the train late at night, opens the door and says: DAD I can hear Miles Davis down the street....LOL...I need to change something
Amps? where to head for a real upgrade?
Speakers? I'm been researching Dyna Audio but don't know enough
A little history
At the beginning of the year, without any warning and not even on my radar, I put together a system. It started with a pair of B&W 305's a friend was selling. They spent a month or two hooked up to 1970's JVC college gear and an old Dual deck/ Shure cart.
Then I bought some other things.....
My current system is as follows:
Rogue CM1
EAR 834P MM/MC phono stage
Nottingham 294 Space Deck and 12" Anna Arm
Lyra Delos Cart
Totem Hawk Speakers
It fairly sings
I won't mention the digital side - it's decent but all up for a massive upgrade.
Thanks for any reccomendations
If you start with the power conditioning, regeneration or switch to DC
and ensure the room is well treated you may find the improvement so
great you need no new gear based on your list.

Keep us posted please.
Try an amplifier with loudness switch and or tone controls to bring up some of the frequencies at lower volume levels. 
Thanks for the responses. Since posting this I've been "rearranging" furniture and positioning of speakers. Noticeable differences. I think I'll focus on this for now. Looking for a an area rug for hardwood floors
You could also try adding a subwoofer. That may be the most inexpensive way. You’ll be surprised how it can expand the soundstage especially at lower listening levels. I use two and I was truly amazed how they opened up the sound stage at all volume levels. Good luck! 
Hey there 

I would try some Maggies with SUB.
If your budget permits highly recommend high current SS. amp pre owned 
Jeff rowland 125 2ch.

You will not be disappointed