Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe

I have been a long time reader, first time I am posting.  This will be my first upgrade in a while..  Other than Roon it has been like 6 or 7 years since I bought anything other than a Sonos for a bedroom.  

My current system is:

Rega P3-24 w/ Elys2
Rega Brio R
Marantz NA7004 Network Player
Revel Performa3 M106s with Revel stands
Sunfire HRS 8 Subwoofer
Streaming from a Mac via Roon
Room is 13' x 20' with 8' ceilings.  

Not sure if I should get book shelf speakers or bigger speakers.  They need to take up same amount of space.  Speakers now are like 3' from the back wall.  Size needs to be about the same.  I will be too close to the speakers if they are out any further.  

I listen to everything except hip-hop and country.  This is audio only.  I have a separate home theater. 

My budget is $6-7K. Maybe more if I can sell the Revels.  I can go higher if something wows me but I don't want to.  I did listen to one speaker, the Revel 126BEs.  Seemed like the obvious choice.  Way too metallic sounding.  I hated them.   

Heck for $5K you can get the Seas Thor AND The Seas Bifrost kits, compare the 2, and sell 1 off.
Wait for it...wait for it....any moment now we will be graced by a poster who will exclaim:

"Tekton! The best speaker in the world at any price and you’d have to be an idiot who can’t hear well and/or enjoys wasting money to even consider any other speaker brand."

Advice that’s always chock full of hyperbole, shaming, and admonishment. What more could you ask for from a friendly audiophile community board? ;-)
That’s a big room. You might consider floorstanders instead of stand mounted speakers to maximize your space with low frequencies. I don’t recommend a particular brand. You’ll have to pick speakers with a free return policy and try them in your space. No brand recommendation here is worth anything. Everyone Here pushes what they own  or are selling. 
@tgrisham I definitely am thinking about smallish floorstanders.  Fair point about recommendations.  Demo's are tough now and I can return something if I don't like it.  

@mozartfan Kits?  That sounds like assembly is required.  Not my thing.