upgrade transport or amps..advice please

In system consisting of mirage OM 6s, proceed AVP2, 5 marantz ma 500s,arcam alpha 8 cd player(used as transport) and pioneer elite 47 A (with TMC cabling) what would make the more significant difference to 2 channel music experience....upgrade of left and right Amps(budget max $1500-$2000 us ) or a levinson 37 transport which I could acquire for $2000 US in mint condition..if amps please give suggestions.... thanks for your thoughts
Ditch the Marantz for an Audio Van Alstine stereo amp. Look here:
Absolutely can't be beat for the money. The FET Valve 350Ex will knock your socks off for $1750. Here's the info:

A high quality amp - the choice is really yours :-) - will certainly improve your system MUCH more than a transport change. I'm not saying all transports sound alike, but you've got a decent one and your amps aren't really up to snuff.

Good Luck!
The Marantz were designed for hometheater, In that price range you can find some GREAT amps that will light that system up for ya.

Nope. MLB changed the rules -- it takes four strikes. NOW the Marantz is gone. ;-)
The amps,fer'sure. These Marantz jobs are fine for HT. At your budget there are dozens of amps that will "make" more music;thus making you more happy.