Upgrading crossover?

Has anyone done an upgrade to factory speaker crossover with better quality components and got good results?
I had opportunity to look at the crossover while upgrading friend’s PMC FB1 to + version, and I noticed that components were not of a high quality, inductors with ferrite core, electrolytic caps, resistors of 5%.
What are your thoughts of replacing these elements with better quality ones of the same value, inductors with air core (for example Alpha core Ribbon inductors), Solen caps, etc?
Greetings, I now this is a little off your thread, but you also may want to consider upgrading your speakers internal wiring.

I recently rewired my Klipsch LaScalas', whose original wiring was still like new. I used DH Labs hookup wire. Total cost was about $70.00.

The improvement was considerable, I would have never believed that just upgrading wire could make such a difference. Happy Listening
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I have upgraded the caps, resistors and air core inductors on all three pairs of my Klipsch speakers and can tell you for a fact that I HEARD a tremendous difference in sound. I replaced the stock caps with Kimber Kaps, stock resistors with Mills non-inductive resistors, and stock air core inductors with Madisound.

I lived with all these speakers stock for about 5 years, so I was very familiar with the sound. What I heard after I upgraded the crossovers was nothing short of amazing. Trust me, I wasn't TRYING to hear something either to justify the less than $100 in parts cost.

Bottom line: better parts do make a difference.
Going external active crossover is not something I would be willing to do, considering all other components that will have to be removed/replaced, my main objective was to improve crossover elements, and it seems to be good idea based on feedback.

For Peter (PBN)

I have your SPXs. Is there anything you would recommend to do to the xover that would be an improvement? How about changing to better parts quality? I have no idea what you used, haven't been inside for a peek a boo.
