Upgrading form Pass integrated amplifier to a better one


Currently I have a PASS INT-250 integrated amplifier . The Pass INT-250 is a very good integrated (in my system it was overall better than Plinius Hiato, Gamut D150se, Mark Levinson 535, Vitus RI-100,  Accuphase E-470 and some others) but I can't get rid of the feeling that I miss some explosiveness (drum kicks for example) and micro details.

I know that its not the speakers. The new Sonus faber tradition I have are much more open, dynamic and airy than previous Guarneri Evos, Elipasas SE and Amati Anniversarious I used to own. And before buying them I auditioned the Serafinos with Audio Research separates and it was the amazing combo. But I really prefer not to go the separates road ( ICs, power cords and space contribute to financial constrains also) and even so I like the combo of Pass and Serafinos overall but from time to time looking for some better integrated on the market.

Currently I presented with a good opportunity to buy latest Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated or latest just released Accuphase E-650.  No possiblilty to demo them, so I am asking here on the forum if anybody can comment if Gryphon Diablo 300 or Accuphase E-650 will be better integrated than Pass INT250 overall and especially in terms of dynamics, micro details and harmonics.

Any advise and opinion would be very appreciated.

My system: Esoteric K-05x, Pass INT-250, Sonus Faber Serafinos, all cabling are the Shunyata Sigmas.

Room is 12" wide by 17" long. Listen mostly acoustic jazz and chamber classical on low to moderate levels.

Thank you.


Showing 2 responses by ryder

Denon. I need your advice. I am looking at the Pass Int-60 to match my Marten Duke 2 speakers. Does the Pass have a refined and warmish tube-like glow in the treble and midrange whilst retaining the finer detail and nuance in music? I need something that sounds smoother with a slight tube-like presentation especially in the midrange and treble but with good tonal accuracy. The current amps I have sound a little too bright and rough with the highly revealing Marten Duke 2 speakers as there is a slight grain in the treble especially with piano.

The Int-60 got me interested as I read that the first 30W is in Class A. In my mind Class A sounds smooth like good tubes.

I read good things about the Vitus SIA-025mk2 but the price is beyond my budget.
Time really flies. I noticed i have actually posted here almost a year ago seeking advice from the OP. It just felt like yesterday.. Ohh well, I’m exaggerating. Anyways I’ve settled with the Luxman L-590AXII instead of Pass Labs INT-60 for my Marten Duke 2, and the current combination is a match in heaven.

I noticed the OP has moved from the Pass INT-250 to the Gryphon Diablo 300, touted as one of the best integrated amps money can buy. Interestingly the OP has abandoned the Gryphon after using it for about a year and moved to the Luxman L-509X before settling down with the Pass INT-250 again. This sort of thing is unexpected but I guess anything can happen in this hobby. It is interesting to note that the OP found the Gryphon to be poor at low volumes with reduced micro-detail, presumably when compared to the Pass Labs.

The outcome suggests that the grass is not always greener on the other side. If we have found something that works well in the system, it may be prudent to just stay put and enjoy the music instead of constantly looking for the Holy grail. Having said that, I’m still curious about the sound of the Pass Labs INT-60 or how it will compare to the INT-250. Well, it will never end isn’t it?