Upgrading Speakers

Does it make sense to upgrade my speakers to Sonus Faber Olympica Nova III from the Sonus Faber Sonetto V. connected to Moon 390 and Moon 330A respectively. I love the Sonus Faber sound so I want to stay with the brand but when I consider the price point of the Nova !! relative to the Moon amplification I'm not sure.Also love the Moons.


If you have the budget, why not?   Looking for group justification?  OK speakers are always the weakest link, so go for it. 😁

I too find the SF speakers to be very well behaved and best I have heard on the shelf in the last year. For some reason, the Sonetto line is not in stores here. Lumina and then the big ones. I would love to hear them as the Lumina IIs need to stay at moderate levels. 

You must also consider the venue. it is not inconceivable that they might not sound a lot better in your room, perhaps with your equipment.

i agree with this statement from @ghdprentice 

most difficult variable to factor in in any speaker 'upgrade'

Good question. You might want to ask this question in the 'Speakers' forum as well as the 'Misc Audio' one - you might get a wider range of responses....