Upgradying Tube Preamp

I currently have a AES AE-3 DJH Preamplifier linking together my Metrum Hex DAC and Pass Labs x150.5 Amp. I think the pre is obviously the weakest link in my chain, but at the same time I'm reluctant to upgrade it. I guess I'm of the school that a preamp doesn't matter as much as the amp or the DAC. Could anyone share their opinions on this? In what ways (sound qualities) could I really upgrade the Pre, and if so which ones would you recomend?


Showing 1 response by salectric

I agree with Jmcgrogan2. The linestage in my experience is the most critical piece of electronics in the system. In the past few decade I have had the privilege of trying out a mumber of Phono preamps, linestages and power amps. There were a number of phono stages and power amps that I could have lived with, but only two linestages were acceptable. The others had such strong colorations that I was unable to ignore them. Not so with the phono preamps or power amps. They all have colorations but they were not as intrusive.

I haven't heard the AE-3 but I spent a couple weeks with its big brother the Cary SLP-95, and while the Cary wasn't a bad sounding preamp it did have some strong character, I.e . Colorations. There are certainly more neutral linestages on the market.