UPS. Friend Or Foe?

Recently shipped two speakers and the stands all in very good (8/10) condition to a buyer in another state. One speaker and the stands were in the factory boxes. The other speaker was boxed by UPS. The buyer sent pictures and stated they arrived damaged. One of the speakers had a rattle but no visible damage, the other speaker, (the one UPS boxed), had visible damage. Not surprisingly, the stands arrived unscathed.

All items were picked up by UPS in that city and taken for inspection.

And the results were...UPS is not at fault because they have a policy, buried in very fine print, that it is the shippers' (sellers') responsibility to ensure proper packaging.

My wife and I also found out the local UPS stores are legally not affiliated with UPS!!!

We are currently attempting to discuss this with the owner of the local store.

Sad but true...


I just had a computer delivered by UPS. I was not home this past Thursday to sign for the package so I got a message from UPS they delivered the computer to a local drop off point where I live at CVS?? Well I called CVS when I got off work and the young guy at the store stated they didn’t have it. I waited another day and again UPS had a signature for the package at the CVS store and I should pick it up there. I called the store again and the same young guy said "nope" no package with my name or address on the UPS shelves??

A third call to the assistant manager revealed the package was not properly singed in by TETLER (who is the manager of the store) and in another place at the same store. I signed for it and was on my way.

Yeah UPS delivers your package to retail stores..... it sucks!

Thanks for all the posts!

No progress so far...

@jhills A letter sounds really good. Thank you.

@jhills Was the letter sent to the company UPS, or to the UPS store you used to ship them?

In my situation, I was the buyer. I took photos of the crushed boxes and speakers and refused the shipment and they were returned to UPS for inspection. After a couple of weeks of run around with both the seller and myself, UPS confirmed that they were damaged beyond repair, but they would make a settlement only to the seller and for less than 1/2 half of the $2,400.00 that I had paid for the speakers, shipping and insurance and claimed I would have to get settlement from the seller. My lawyer said differently and sent a letter to UPS, CC to the affiliate company that packaged and shipped the speakers, threatening litigation for the mishandling and destruction of my property.

As the seller I’m not sure if your recourse would be the same. You may have to work with the buyer to get some action, but I’m sure UPS is counting on you rolling over and taking whatever offer they hand you.

Best of luck.....Jim