USB Cable Comparison Audience / Cardas / Purist / Stealth / Wireworld

I've been meaning to share my findings and impressions from a recent six cable comparison of USB cables.

What follows is a 'work in progress draft' that I will be finalizing and posting on a blogging site.

Getting this posted is a way of lighting a fire under myself so I get the write-up finalized. And to keep my promise to share my findings with a number of Audiogoners.

What is posted is the first phase of the 'shoot-out' involving four cables.

Please note:

- This is not finalized and I will be making edits, and adding information, etc.

- This is the first phase of the comparison.

- The second phase will be posted soon.
Did a recent comparison of a lot of usb cables mentioned in this thread, as well some Nordost ones.

I felt that the Audience, Nordost Heimdall 2, and Wireworld platinum were all on the same level and were a matter of system matching and taste.

Stealth, Purist 30th, Prana, and Nordost Tyr 2 were all a step up....also a matter of system matching and taste.

And unfortunately, in my system the Nordost Valhalla 2 USB was in another league. A clear step up from the rest.  That price tag though... ugh
How does the Synergistic Research Galileo UEF USB compare?  It's supposed to be one of the best USB cables available.
@rwpollock Your post is on the money about the ’T’ tuneable version of the Stealth. And great advice for those considering the Stealth USB.

@johndoe21ro I haven’t had a chance to bring the Audioquest Diamond in system. I do have their Diamond RJ/E cable coming my way in a few weeks (part of a LAN cable shoot-out).

@yo2tup Thanks for sharing your findings. I’d love to try the Valhalla 2.
@respected_ent  The SR Galileo UEF USB cable is my current reference. It's fantastic but also very pricey.

Similar to what @yo2tup shared via his findings, the SR (within my system) plays in a different league. 

Thanks to @dlcockrum  for bringing it to my attention as well as bringing it over for a demo in my system. The upside and impact was immediately obvious.
I tried the Audioquest Diamond a couple years ago, but I don’t remember how it sounded or what I thought of it.  It didn’t leave that much of an impression on me so that might be saying something!

Havent tried the SR UEF but I’m sure it’s great!  

Just to add to my thoughts on the Nordost Heimdall 2, wireworld platinum, and audience plus.  These cables sounded very different from each other in regards to frequency response.  For these reasons,  I’d highly recommend try before you buy.  I can see the wrong cable being awful in certain systems.  Whereas with the stealth usb-t, prana, and purist 30th, you probably can’t go wrong with any but it could be a matter of taste if you compare them.  I’m pretty sure the Valhalla 2 will sound amazing in any system.  Prob on the same level with the SR Galileo!