I owned the AHB2 about 5x and likely going to get a pair of monos again for either my Yamaha NS5000 or Magenpan LRS+. The NS5000 would be great with the AHB2. The LRS+ maybe not the best, but I think I will take the chance. I have a CODA #16 and I will rotate the amps between the 2 systems.
The CODA #16 is likely closer to the BHK sound than the AHB2 sound. While the #16 is great, I miss the beautiful AHB2 sound. I do not think there is any top end as good as the AHB2. However, the AHB2 is not the most powerful amp, especially compared to the #16.
Speaking of noisy preamps, I had a CODA 07x preamp, and while likely very quiet compared to the majority of the preamps it was like Grand Central Station compared to the Benchmark LA4 and Holo Serene. Try a silent preamp with whatever amp you like.