Used speakers

I've recently upgraded and am giving my nephew my ancient Hafler 220A amp and Hafler pre-amp. The amp is rated at 120wpc. As befits a 16 year-old, he likes his music loud with lots of bass. I'd like to get him some used speakers in the $250 range. Any suggestions, biggest bang for the buck? Do I need to spend more?

Showing 1 response by stevegolf1

If you can go a little higher, I would recommend the AR 303 for $439 NEW at They are the authorized web dealer for AR closeouts. These speakers are an ultimate bass-slam rock speaker with a 12" woofer. On the downside, they really need a lot of juice, and 120 watts would probably be a minimum requirement for a headbanger. On the upside, they made it into class D in Stereophile a few years ago. If you don't need bass quite as deep (only 35hz) but still plenty of it, you might consider the AR 302's at the same site for $249 NEW! Good luck, Steve