Useful Information

Parties interested in receiving useful information are invited to PM. This way we can share useful information without triggering others, having posts and threads removed, and having to scan past oceans of mindless blather.
Grandparents used to opt for Sears Roebuck catalogs between corn cobs....gave one a chance to heal from the 'coarse ones'....

carpathian, I'd go with that plenty 'rolled paper' (by accident, not intent....another long story....), store today had zero eggs....ditto chicken.  We scored the last loaf of bread...

Got more wine for the spouse....

It's been recommended to 'self-inoculate' with alcohol before and after WH press conferences....1 before, 2 between is up to the viewer.... 

My recommendation: paper cups.  Beats broken screens....
GK, Wacking the mole is easy when it's a slow target...

....might be 'entertaining' to become the 'counter-intelligence agent'....;)

Pierce 'The Wall'....find That Door without a doorknob, just a small sign saying:

No Churls Allowed

" grip either, for the Wizard behind the curtain..."

Have masks from a 'bout of walking pneumonia awhile back...keeping them as a 'back-up parachute'....when The Situation begins to be like the second title of a book I own:

"Hell is Other Humans"

(Fortunately, no need to go out 'n about much...light traffic is actually a pleasant side-effect.
Spent most of the weekend ripping out dead kudzu and other weeds without distractions...*G*  Nothing like it for shedding 'negativity'....)  ;)

Stay healthy, J
If we all just bought groceries like we normally do, there would be plenty of everything to go around.
Eggsactly. I've been saying that to anyone who'd listen as I shop.
Everyone agrees.

All the best,

It appears miller has abandoned his own thread.
Perhaps he and his personal fan club, the 'carbon copies', are secretly reading it all and mocking us via pm.
Just a short PSA for our friends who enjoy a drink or three during this unpleasant time. Alcohol suppresses your immune system, so please use good judgment.
And wash those hands like you just picked poison ivy!