Useful Information

Parties interested in receiving useful information are invited to PM. This way we can share useful information without triggering others, having posts and threads removed, and having to scan past oceans of mindless blather.
You're comparing this to the common flu season??! Nonsense.
And there is a right way. The lesser of two evils. Practice isolation until it peaks and declines. Sorry if that 'drags it out'.
Liberals we be ECSTATIC if the economy tanks and the death rate spirals??!
I don't believe that horrible scenario would make anyone feel that way.
And again, nothing I posted has to do with the relief package.
Now your post will likely get deleted because of who you mentioned, but it has shown where you stand.
I believe we are done here.
The public may be gullible at times, but they are never that stupid
Unfortunately nowadays it does appear that yes they really are that stupid.
In my experience people are not so much stupid than lazy.... It is difficult for me not being stupid more than half the times each day... That task ask for thinking, reading, studying, be silent(very difficult for me).... I hope I am not totally stupid... I think I am not totally stupid because being stupid is a choice not a genetic affliction... and i try to read and think a lot …. Perhaps not enough? Who want to think? And more important: who want to meditate about his own thinking and acts and choices? Intelligence begins after the meditation then, not solely after some thinking.... Thinking is not enough.... :)

One by one the individual composing the mass are not stupid they are lazy...The mass is a mass....Inert and instinctual like a beast or robotic like an army....Political direction is there to drive the mass to synchronized action instead of erupting instinctual acts...
Voters that actually do not get  something  gone that was made ONLY to ensure they could never vote down slavery aka Electoral College , are
the dumbest fools that have ever graced Planet  Earth !!!

And none of that HS  BS telling you it was for anything else, it was NOT .