Usher Tiny Dancer 2 - opinion

Hi all,

Seriously considering these. Anyone have any experience positively or negatively?


Rb - thanks for the information. I'm about to install beryllium tweeters onto my de Capo monitors so I won't be in the market for new speakers for a while. However, when I do, info like yours still points me to Ushers!
I own the Di Capo I's . I auditioned these against an Usher
standmount and floorstander , VS VR4jr. & VR1 and the Di Capo's . This was done with a SS CJ pre and amp and also with a Cary Sli80 . As I said , I own the Di Capo i's !
The Ushers and VS couldn't be more different in their presentation . The Ushers were "in your face" and , as mentioned above , not blended evenly between the bass , mid and treble .
It was like the Ushers were too much , the VS were not enough and the Di Capo's were just right !
Don't sell the Di Capo's until you can compare the others in your system .
Change in my reply. It should have said: "the bass in the md2 is also better than the mani's when properly setup and much easier to drive"