Using Power Conditioners/Distribu with Amplifiers

Hello, I was curious to know peoples opinions and experiences on using power conditioners or power distribution devices inline with your primary amplifier/amplifiers.

Thru my own series of tests I have concluded that my current amplifier (Classe CA-201) sounds better when fed power via my Shunyata Hydra V-Ray verses being directly plugged into the wall.

When I say it “Sounds Better” using the power distribution device I would define this as less edgy, more stable (ie..relaxed) with noticeably more detail of the instruments and performers. In terms of bass, to my ears it seems to be deeper and have more texture. In terms of background noise, with the Shunyata in place there simply is none.

I do have a few questions but I think it’s worth mentioning the equipment I am using currently and how it’s connected before I jump into the question of the day.

My V-Ray is fed juice using a 20AMP Shunyata Python power cable and a PS Audio AC Wall plug which is then wired to a dedicated 20AMP circuit via solid core 10GA wiring. This configuration basically provides me a 10GA wire from the breaker box all the way to the back of the V-Ray since the Python also uses a 10GA wiring core. Now granted, some current disruption/degradation will occur once it passes thru those unfortunately necessary wall sockets but my hope is that the $60 beans I forked out for the PS Audio wall plug will at least help minimize this to the extent possible.

My Classe Amp is fed power using a 15AMP Shunyata Taipan Alpha power cable which is then plugged into the V-Ray.

My front end components are also fed power from the V-Ray which I suspect has enough bandwidth capabilities for all these components since it supposedly has solid 7GA Buss Bars internally as a means to distribute it's power.

Based on the above information my question is this; at what power point would you feel a high current Amp would be hindered by receiving it's energy directly from an otherwise more then capable power distribution device, fancy power cables, dedicated 20amp circuit and fancy AC plug verses directly from the wall socket itself?

My current Amp is not what I would consider a power hungry monster by any means but how would this same configuration above fare if the Amp in use was something along the lines of a PASS X250 or larger model? Ultimately, I guess I will find out soon enough but I would be interested in hearing others experiences or ideas on this topic.


Showing 2 responses by guidocorona

Your findings of amp with power conditioner are consistent with mine using a Furutech ETP-309 which feeds a class D Rowland 312 (500W at 8 Ohms, doubling into 4, with 45 Amps peak current). ETP-309 then goes into 20A dedicated service via A High End Performance Furutech PC. I have experienced with conditioner and opening up of the stage with finer granularity, deepening and more controlled bass, greater low level ambient cues, an no deterioration of dynamics nor authority.

Some conditioners are current limiting, and some are apparently not so. The only thing I might suggest is that you move up the Shunyata line with your PC for the amp, perhaps to a Python Helix Alpha or Anaconda Helix Alpha. Helix line has greater control than older line, whith CX line yielding even greater detail and staging than Helix. Moving up the Shunyata line you are bound to enjoy greater staging and authority. Avoid VX variants, they are not meant for power applications. G.
I't is my understanding that Shunyata V-Ray may be one of the best power conditioners on the market today. . . I am sure there are power conditioners that sound different. . . but you may already be in the top bunch of the conditioning heap. G.