Using "pre-outs" of an integrated amp provide sound quality equal to a separate pre-amp?

Will using the "pre-outs" of an integrated to drive a basic power amp provide sound quality EQUAL to a separate quality pre-amp?? 

I have read that many pre-outs are just "op-amps" that channel an output signal to the amp, but  are not equal to the output stage of a separate pre-amp, and therefore limit or hinder or limit the performance  of the basic power amp.   .

Trying to determine if it is worth it investing  in a separate pre-amp for a BAT VK-200 amp

Would a quality pre-amp provide 15% to 2o% better sound??    Thanks

Will using the "pre-outs" of an integrated to drive a basic power amp provide sound quality EQUAL to a separate quality pre-amp??
It could.  But only if the built-in preamp section of the integrated was equal to or better than the separate pre-amp you may be considering. 

The power amp, external or the built-in one of the integrated can only receive the best signal that pre-amp in the integrated is capable of sending.  So without knowing exactly what models we are dealing with, the answer to your question is just a "maybe".
So what is driving your  BAT VK-200  right now?  I guess its an integrated amp, and you are using its pre-outs to drive the Bat?

Yes, many pre outs consist of op-amps, but like paraneer said, it all depends on the brand and models.  The pre outs of some integrated amps would be superior to some separate pre-amps.  

Is there something lacking in the sound you have now?  
I have had both good and bad reults, but have always found that if I sold the integrated, I could buy a pre that was better than the pre in the integrated...maybe even the same brand if you like their sound...