Using two sets of speakers at once?

I have a set of Meret Ays and I love the highs, but they are short on bass. I have a set of Paradigm Studio 100's v3 and I like the bass response, so I generally listen to all speakers at once. How come I don't hear of more people doing that?
How come I don't hear of more people doing that?
One reason is that the sounds from the two speakers are unlikely to arrive at the listener's ears with proper time alignment. That will result in comb filtering effects, which can generally be expected to result in a loss of clarity and resolution.

-- Al
I used to run Vandersteen 2ces and Dynaudio 72's at once and enjoyed listening to that a lot. They complemented each other well.
I'll bet your imaging is much better when only listening to the Ays?
Most of us use a sub to augment bass. The extra tweeters can actually degrade the sound...let an engineer explain this to you.