Usless but interesting many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?

It was actually my second "real" system...but it is simply historic how many people that love great audio systems and the music they allowed us to enjoy started or at one time owned the original Large Advents.  If there is to be a list of the most influential audio products of all time, the Large Advent would be at or near the top.  I guess another interesting question would be how many sets of these Large Advents are still in use.  My brother in law and my sister still have a set of Small Advents in use in their den. 
Yes, it was between Advents and JBL and I went the other way with a Kenwood receiver and Dual TT.
Tech Hifi classic set up was my first system
-Large Advents (non walnut)
-HK 610 stereo receiver
-Dual 1219 tt

Tumbleweed Connection sounded damn good on it in my bedroom in 1972
Yep.  Large Advents from 1976 - 1987, when I heard Vandersteen 2C's really well set up.  That really began my high end fascination (and coincided with me finally working full time, and paid right).
@jbrrp1 and Vandersteen make an upgraded version of the 2 today and not one part is the same - evolution and refinement in a repeat cycle...I spoke with Richard the other day and he was working on a low / no cost way to make the current model 2 even better.,,,


my first speaker was Infinity Qb