VAC owners, sound off

I've got my eye on a used VAC preamp here on agon, but it's over 9 years old. A phone call to Kevin Hayes was helpful, but he's not exactly unbiased. Anyone care to chime in on their experiences with VAC gear over the long term? thanks
Tholt, you will be in for a pleasant surprise now, after you compensate for the phase and provide better support for the PS. You'll be jamming tonight!
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tholt- be VERY careful buying tubes on "flea-bay". If you don't have ready access to a tester and a return guarantee, I would avoid it. I would estimate that 50% of the NOS tubes i bought there (before I had a tester) barely make minimum good and more than 25% did not even test that high. So maybe a 1 in 4 chance of getting a tube that is even close to NOS. And then there is the counterfeit problem. I'm sure there are exceptions, and YMMV. As for me, I'm sticking to tube sellers on on 'Gon as well as the better known internet sellers like Vintage Tube Services and Upscale Audio.
There is no better NOS seller than Vintage Tube Services. Brent Jesse Recordings is also very good. I agree with Swampwalker, you don't know what your doing, stick with VERY reliable and known sources.
The VAC selected tubes are excellent IMO but if you must play with NOS then Andy at VTS is the one. You want the lowest noise and best matched tubes possible. Andy has never let me down in that regard.