VAC / Wilson cables

Before year end I'll be replacing my VAC Ren 70/70 with Kevin's current iteration, the Phi 300. I've already upgraded from Wilson's Watt/Puppy 5 to Sophia 3. The cables, however, remain Transparent Reference.

I'm wondering, having upgraded at each end, if anyone has experience with a more current and improved speaker cable ? The pre-amp is Shindo's Giscours, fed by the Miyajima Kansui on a TW Limited table. Chamber, vocals, and keyboard is the diet.

Classy and informed reply by Kevin Hayes for a thread that was beginning to be irritating and misinformed to read. I'd also point out I believe the Phi amps are also hand wired point to point. I am the fortunate owner of a Phi 300.1a. I plan on buying a second, and either having them buried with me or pass them on to my children. One constant...all the VAC amps become classics with a cult following. I'm happy to hitch my wagon to the Phi series.
I did not, in fact, design anything of note while at VAC. I was involved almost entirely in the marketing and operations side of Kevin's business. That was enough work, indeed, and excellent business experience.

Susbsequently, I did design a phono preamp for Art Audio, the Vinyl Reference, which is no longer in production. Now I am working as a principle in two audio companies, K&K Audio (10th anniversary coming up in March!) and Sonus Veritas.

Kevin Carter
K&K Audio and Sonus Veritas
The Phi Signature 2a and the Phi Statement 450 stereo and mono amps are point to point wired; the others I can't be sure.