If one buys tubes that do not measure in the, "NEW" range,
on a
calibrated tester, but were described as, "NOS," either the
seller didn't know what they were selling, or they lied.
I've bought almost a hundred tubes, off eBay(some from
Germany, Australia, Argentina), in the past 9 years,
searching for the most accurate sounding/best sound stage
combination of phase splitter & driver, for my Cary
monoblocks and the output stage of a BAT VK-D5. All
purchased have been 6SN7GT variants, from
the 40's(ie: TungSol round plates, Sylvania 6SN7W tall/metal
base, Ken-Rad CKR, Sylvania VT-231 bottom getter and so on)
with the exception of a few Siemens CCa grey shields, from
the early 60's, for the CDP. I've found that if one
communicates with the seller and knows what to ask; it's
easy to tell if they know what they're doing. Everything
purchased as, "NOS" tested above, "new"
and those that I kept have given me many hours of musical
enjoyment, proving reliable(long term). The CCa's have
been going strong, for over 6 years, in the CDP. I've also
got a collection of tested back up tubes, for when the ones
in use are expended(the inevitable). My output tubes are
GE 6550As, from the early 70's(purchased NOS/not on eBay).
There's nothing to
dry up, wear or leak out of a vacuum tube, that's stored on
a shelf, outside of the possible entrance of air. If it
"GOOD" and not gassy, there's no reason it can't
perform as long, or longer, than a new production tube.
Like everything else: CAVEAT EMPTOR