Vandersteen 1C Tweaking distance to front wall

Looking for any experience and thoughts from Vandersteen owners on your setup distance to the front wall.

The back edge of my 1c's are currently about 23" distance to the front wall.
Speakers are 7.5 feet apart and i sit about 8.5 feet away.
At moderate volume  and with good recordings the sound is fabulous with good controlled full bass.

However I tend to listen a lot at low volumes late at night and listen to lots of older recordings as well. Both these factors contribute to the sound being a little lean sounding down low. I'm considering moving them back closer to the wall to tweak up the bass frequencies. 

Any thoughts or how far are yours from the wall ? thanks
Personally? I would follow the Vandy guidelines in the set-up manual. The 1C’s have a transmission line bass ‘port’, or a narrow slit at the back/bottom of the cabinet, and not sure will get the results you desire. In addition, as Vandersteen’s are designed to emminate sound from ‘around’ its speakers, I’m afraid pushing them too close to the wall will negatively effect the performance of the tweeter/driver in providing good soundstage and imaging.

Not sure what you are driving the 1C’s with, but this is where adequate power would come into play, or, the possibility of simple tone controls. You might check out the Schiit Loki. For $150 it might be the ticket.
Many thanks. I've plenty of Amp power so no worries there. Tone controls sounds like a good option.
Backing them up to increase room gain is an option but will as noted effect imaging. Trying it is free.