Vandersteen 2CE or 1C for small room?


I am considering Vandy 1C or 2CE sig II as my next purchase. I would like a speaker that would work in a small or large room. Would the 2's be too bass heavy in a small room(say 10' by 10')? Would I lose a lot of fidelity if I bought the 1C's?

I've heard the 2's in a lot of different setups. They are room sensitive, and not just in the bass. As good as they are, they can sound down right bad, in either too small a room, or with poor placement.
Okay, Unsound, I can believe the assessment.

So, if I'm looking for something for my room that's a above the 1C's (just for comparison sake), what would be on the list to audition? Is a good sound stage possible in a 12 x 20 room?
Budget would be anywhere from $900 to $1,800. Willing to go to the top end of that range if it makes sense. All my other equipment is used (MF 3.2cr amp, TAD-150 pre) and could go with a used pair, but I'm slightly weary of used speakers.
The Vandy 2's are certainly strong contenders. If you like what Vandersteen does, though very different in some ways, these share some characteristics: Dunlavy SC IV's, Meadowlarks, Thiel CS 3.5's, and though I haven't heard them, the Green Mountain's belong to the same school of thought. The Thiel 3.5's, have a different perspective, would cost less, but the savings would have to go towards amplification. Though later Thiels could be found in your budget, I believe the amp requirements would bust the budget. In any case, I would reccommend some absorbing room treatment directly behind the listening position for your layout.