Vandersteen 5A- Power Cords

Any Vandersteen 5A owners using audiophile power cords for the subwoofer amps? I know Richard recommends the stock cords.

I was considering the Audioquest NRG-10 cords which I believe will fit in between the heat sinks on the amplifiers.

Any input would be appreciated!


Knowing Richard personally back the early 80'
When I lived in Visalia,Ca. He was a purist when it came
to his passion when developing the very first speaker.

Here's THE DEAL!! Power-Cords & the Techie speaker-cables.
Theirs is a SONIC difference in all of then. Hmmm!
Dose that make anyone of you to THINK? WHY!!.
If anyone in this thread has a Acoustic Slide Graphic Analyzer with 32 Oct1/4 to 32Db slopes filters X 1/3rds or half Octaves capabilities.
You can make your speakers. SOUND BEFORE & AFTER Cord or cables swapping. I know for a fact I can make speakers sound like what power cord rolling dose. ONLY FREE.

I think Richard also knows? Why manual states don't cord roll.

You all just Tinkling with segments of the frequency range.
I cant use his name without permission to quote him.
But he's well known Mag AUDIO REVIEWER for over 40yrs.
" If the MIDRANGE reproduction isn't right.
The rest doesn't MATTER." PERIOD.
What POWER CORDS & CABLES do more than anything else to change what you hear. Is on the outsides of the Mid-Range.

This post regards power cords for electronics (amp, preamp, CD player/DAC), not their use on my Vandersteen 5A Carbons which I've owned for about a year now. As others have said, I am using the stock cords for the speakers, and tend to follow Richard Vandersteen's recommendations for his products.

As far as power cords in general go, I had never had any recognition or knowledge of them, and so had no bias one way or the other before trying them. At dealer recommendation, I first tried them on my amp and preamp (not on CD player/DAC initially). Even my first low priced ones ($300-400 range, Kimber) made a difference that surprised me, actually (I'm trying to use moderate language here) astonished me for cost effectiveness. Then I added a third (a Kimber Ascent) on the CD/DAC and was even more astonished. At the time (and now) I thought it was the best bang-for-the-buck I'd ever done. Then, at dealer recommendation, I upgraded all to Audioquest NRG-1000s at much higher cost. I tender the following tenuously because I did not A/B them and inserted them along with other wire changes, in other words, don't rely on it, but I'm not convinced at this point that this upgrade was commensurate with the cost increase. Maybe I would be if I A/B'd them or added them to the system without any other changes at the time. At any rate, my point is that, having wandered into the power cord landscape with no knowledge and no pre-conceptions, there wasn't any question at all of a big improvement when I started to use them, especially in the area of cost effectiveness. Anyone could have heard it. The Kimber Ascent on the CD player/DAC (Resolution Audio Cantata) in particular was incredibly cost effective, making me think it's a huge bargain. In fact I even wrote the CD player manufacturer, saying if a power cord for a few hundred bucks could double the sonic quality of a six or seven thousand dollar unit, why didn't they incorporate it as OEM since it would add relatively little to the retail price and have a big impact on sonic quality, or at least offer it as an option. Other system components are Theta Dreadnaught I amp (two mono modules), Aesthetix Calypso preamp (not upgraded to Signature), all Audioquest wires (ICs, speaker and power cords).