Vandersteen Quatro CT

This speaker has been available for several months and by some reports is quite special. Anyone have a chance to listen to one? Impressions compared to other Vandy speakers?

Besides excellent sound quality, I finally took the Vandersteen plunge after all these years. A large part of my consideration for them was their excellent customer care and their longevity in the industry. We are all aware of buying what was thought to be great products only to have the manufacturer go belly up in 3 to 4 years. Any repair or advice disappears not to mention resale value goes down the toilet. Not to many manufacturers will have the "main man" on line when you have a problem or need service. That's what Richard Vandersteen does.....
@stringreen I bought my Treo CTs from John Rutan at Audio Connection as well. He can really talk audio and knows all about Vandersteen's line.  He correctly predicted that I would likely be unhappy with the speaker cables I had been using with my 3A Signatures.  It took me a while to come around to it but he was right. After upgrading to the silver Clear Day's I'm finally realizing all that the Treo CTs are capable of.
Do you feel the Clear Day speaker cables are better than Audioquest's Rocket 88's?

I have no experience with any of the Rocket series cables. So I just don’t know. The Earth series cables i had been using (Volcano for Mid/Treble and Caldera for Bass) served me well for a long time. The mid bass once I got the Treo CTs was too thick and heavy thus obscuring details in the mid/treble that I wanted to hear. The Clear Days solved that problem for me.
I drive nearly 3 hours to go to Johnny's in NJ just like you guys, lol. He's the most fair person I've ever met in audio.  He totally undersells.  

As for cables, I've tried so many of the main stream as well as many of the boutique and handmade DIY ones.  I am biased to AQ because that's what Richard uses in his builds and what he personally voices them with.  IT just made sense to me.  I have not looked back and continue to end up upgrading within that line.  I just haven't found another cable that is as neutral with these speakers.  I've had the Nordost Odin's in and the AQ 'WEL" soundly hammered them.  Odin's were way too hot on top.  Not coherent and just not natural in MY system to MY ears.  Audence and even Cardas.  Ayre uses Cardas, but I felt the Niagara's I was using at the time was just more coherent from top to bottom.

I haven't heard the Clear, but I'm glad that you are enjoying them.  I think if I were you, I'd ask Johnny to borrow the 88's and see for yourself.  :)